Corporate Culture
Fundamental Beliefs and Objectives of Sinocat People
To be the forerunner of the industry.
Controlling air pollution and realizing the blue sky and white clouds dream.
Corporate Spirit
Unity, Pragmatism, Struggle, Innovation
Business policy
Revolving around themarket, following the market trends, changing with the market demands
Behavior Concept
Leavingdifficulties to ourselves, giving convenience for customers
Work Practice
Prompt response, immediate action
Core Concept
Fundamental Beliefs and Objectives of SinocatPeople
Survival Philosophy
Survivalof the fittest
Promotion Policy
Givingthe talented equal opportunities and promoting able men
Work Philosophy
Professionaldedication is more significant than speciality, competence is more importantthan knowledge
Service Concept
Impressingcustomers with sincerity
Entrepreneurial Philosophy
Hardwork and plain living, share weal or woe
Executive Philosophy
Systemcomes first, leadership comes second
Personal Ethics
Integrity,Loyalty, Diligence, Wisdom
Brand Philosophy
Specializationcasts quality, quality models brand
Development Principle
Notto advance is to drop back
Organizational Philosophy
Subordinates obey superiors, the individuals obeycollective
Talent Concept
Possessingboth morality and ability, morality comes first
Wealth Concept
Thehardship endured constitutes the greatest wealth in life
Business Philosophy
Operatinga business equates to administering talents
Achievement Concept
Honorablefor achievements, shameful for none
Remuneration Policy
Remunerationmust be proportional to achievements
Progress Philosophy
How can we see a rainbow without experiencingthe wind and rain
Sales philosophy
Sellingproducts is to offer love
We would rather lose money than lose credibility
cCreating value for clients
Your capabilities determine the stage thatcompany provides for you.
Current achievements will benefit the future
Loyaltytrumps competence
Responsibilityis greater than Mount Tai
The grace of dripping water should bereciprocated by a gushing spring
Corporate Discipline
Bepractical and realistic