SINOTECH Company Lim

SOFC series

Release time:2024-04-23 14:16

 Product Code

Anode-support planar solid oxide fuel cell

Product Introduction

This product is self-developed, 1st generation anode-support planar solid oxide fuel cell. This SOFC which made of Ni-YSZ anode, YSZ electrolyte and LSCF cathode, shows high strength, good toughness and stable electrochemical performance. Sofc full cell as well as half cell (without cathode) could be provided.

 Technical Features

Extremely dense electrolyte film.

Stable electrochemical performance and low attenuation.

Flat design.

High mechanical strength.

 Key Parameters

Power density
0.4 W/cm2@0.85 V,750℃
430 μm
100 mm × 100 mm
Size of diffusion barrier layer
85 mm × 85 mm
Size of cathode layer
80 mm × 80 mm
Operation temperature


 Characterization & Performance

PVI curve of typical anode-support planar solid oxide fuel cell

SEM picture of the cross section of typical anode-support planar solid oxide fuel cell

 Applications and Services

Applied for SOFC stacks fueled by pure hydrogen or reforming methane.

Customized design due to customer requirement on shape and component of anode.

10×10 cm平板电池

10×10 cm Planar SOFC

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